// Are they under age, and under age users are banned?
// Start of Anti-bot Registration Puzzles Mod // Checks whether field was completed, if not it goes to an error screen if(empty($_SESSION<'puzzle_dynamic_input'>) || empty($_POST<$_SESSION<'puzzle_dynamic_input'>>)) fatal_lang_error('puzzle_incomplete', false); // If puzzle was answered incorrectly elseif (md5(strtolower($_POST<$_SESSION<'puzzle_dynamic_input'>>)) != $_SESSION<'puzzle_code'>) fatal_lang_error('puzzle_incorrect', false); // End of Anti-bot Registration Puzzles Mod
// Under age restrictions? if (!empty($modSettings<'coppaAge'>)) { $context<'show_coppa'> = true; $context<'coppa_desc'> = sprintf($txt<'register_age_confirmation'>, $modSettings<'coppaAge'>); }
// Start of Anti-bot Registration Puzzles Mod $puzzles = array( 'shapes' => create_function('', ' $a = array(0 => "sides", 1 => "corners"); $b = rand(0,1); $c = array(\'square\' => 4, \'rectangle\' => 4, \'pentagon\' => 5, \'hexagon\' => 6, \'heptagon\' => 7, \'octagon\' => 8); $d = array_rand($c); // randomly select a shape $e = $c<$d>; // the answer global $txt; $txt<\'puzzle_shapes\'> = sprintf(($d == \'octagon\' ? $txt<\'puzzle_shapes2\'> : $txt<\'puzzle_shapes\'>), $txt<\'puzzle_\'.$a<$b>>, $txt<\'puzzle_\'.$d>); return array(\'shapes\', \'\', md5($e)); '), 'math' => create_function('', ' $a = array(); $a<0> = rand(5,19); $a<1> = rand(1,$a<0>-2); $a<2> = rand(1,($a<0>-$a<1>-2)); $a<3> = array("+","-"); $a<4> = $a<3>)>; $a<5> = $a<3>)>; $d = "$a<0>$a<4> $a<1> $a<5> $a<2>"; eval("\$d=" . $d . ";"); return array(\'math\', "<span style=\"font-weight:bold;\">$a<0> $a<4> $a<1> $a<5> $a<2> =</span>", md5($d)); '), 'math2' => create_function('', ' $a = array(); $a<0> = rand(5,19); $a<1> = rand(1,$a<0>-2); $a<2> = rand(1,($a<0>-$a<1>-2)); $a<3> = array("+","-"); $a<4> = $a<3>)>; $a<5> = $a<3>)>; $c = array(rand(0,1),rand(0,1),rand(0,1)); $d = "$a<0>$a<4> $a<1> $a<5> $a<2>"; // Whats the sum/answer eval("\$d=" . $d . ";"); // Access txt strings global $txt; return array(\'math\', \'<span style="font-weight:bold;">\'.($c<0> ? $a<0> : $txt<\'puzzle_\'.$a<0>>).\' \'.$a<4>.\' \'.($c<1> ? $a<1> : $txt<\'puzzle_\'.$a<1>>).\' \'.$a<5>.\' \'.($c<2> ? $a<2> : $txt<\'puzzle_\'.$a<2>>).\' = </span>\', md5($d)); '), 'colors' => create_function('', ' $a = array(\'red\' => \'#FF0033\', \'orange\' => \'#FF6600\', \'yellow\' => \'#FFFF33\', \'green\' => \'#006600\', \'blue\' => \'#0033FF\', \'purple\' => \'#663366\', \'pink\' => \'#FF9999\', \'black\' => \'#000000\', \'grey\' => \'#999999\'); // Select them randomly $b = array_rand($a,8); $c = $b; // the answer $d = \'\'; // Access txt strings global $txt; for($i=0;$i<=7;$i++) { // Color or hex? randomly change $e = rand(0,1); $j = $i+1; if($c == $b<$i> || $c == $b<$j>) $d .= \'<span style="font-weight:bold;color:\'. ($e ? $a<$c> : $c ) .\'">\'. $txt<\'puzzle_\'.$c> .\'</span> \'; else $d .= \'<span style="font-weight:bold;color:\'. ($e ? $a<$b<$i>> : $b<$i> ) .\'">\'. $txt<\'puzzle_\'.$b<$j>> .\'</span> \'; $i++; } unset($a,$b,$e,$i,$j); return array(\'colors\', $d, md5(strtolower($txt<\'puzzle_\'.$c>))); '), ); // Generate a new puzzle code every time $_SESSION<'puzzle_dynamic_input'> = $_SESSION<'puzzle_code'> = ''; // Generate Random field name $range1 = range('a', 'z'); $range2 = range(0, 9); // Must start with a letter not a digit $_SESSION<'puzzle_dynamic_input'> = $range1; // Length over 8 $rand = rand(8,12); for($i=0;$i<=$rand;$i++) $_SESSION<'puzzle_dynamic_input'> .= (rand(0, 1) == 0) ? $range1 : $range2; unset($range1, $range2, $rand); // Choose a puzzle $context<'puzzle'> = $puzzles(); $_SESSION<'puzzle_code'> = $context<'puzzle'><2>; $context<'puzzle'><2> = $_SESSION<'puzzle_dynamic_input'>; unset($puzzles); // End of Anti-bot Registration Puzzles Mod
// Are there age restrictions in place? if (!empty($modSettings<'coppaAge'>))
// Start of Anti-bot Registration Puzzles Mod echo '<tr valign="top"> <td width="40%" valign="top"> <b>'.$txt<'puzzle_'.$context<'puzzle'><0>>.'</b><br /> '.$txt<'puzzle_antibot'>.' </td> <td> '. ( empty($context<'puzzle'><1>) ? '' : $context<'puzzle'><1>.'<br />' ) .' <input type="text" name="'.$context<'puzzle'><2>.'" size="30" value="" tabindex="', $context<'tabindex'>++, '" /> </td> </tr>'; // End of Anti-bot Registration Puzzles Mod
$txt<'puzzle_colors'> = 'Which word is the same as its color';$txt<'puzzle_math'> = 'What is the sum of (as a number)';$txt<'puzzle_shapes'> = 'How many %s does a %s have?';$txt<'puzzle_shapes2'> = 'How many %s does an %s have?';$txt<'puzzle_sides'> = 'sides';$txt<'puzzle_corners'> = 'corners';$txt<'puzzle_incomplete'> = 'You did not complete the anti-bot puzzle. Please try again.';$txt<'puzzle_incorrect'> = 'You incorrectly answered the anti-bot puzzle. Please try again.';$txt<'puzzle_antibot'> = 'Anti-bot measure';$txt<'puzzle_red'> = 'Red';$txt<'puzzle_orange'> = 'Orange';$txt<'puzzle_yellow'> = 'Yellow';$txt<'puzzle_green'> = 'Green';$txt<'puzzle_blue'> = 'Blue';$txt<'puzzle_purple'> = 'Purple';$txt<'puzzle_pink'> = 'Pink';$txt<'puzzle_black'> = 'Black';$txt<'puzzle_grey'> = 'Grey';$txt<'puzzle_triange'> = 'Triangle';$txt<'puzzle_square'> = 'Square';$txt<'puzzle_rectangle'> = 'Rectangle';$txt<'puzzle_pentagon'> = 'Pentagon';$txt<'puzzle_hexagon'> = 'Hexagon';$txt<'puzzle_heptagon'> = 'Heptagon';$txt<'puzzle_octagon'> = 'Octagon';$txt<'puzzle_1'> = 'ONE';$txt<'puzzle_2'> = 'TWO';$txt<'puzzle_3'> = 'THREE';$txt<'puzzle_4'> = 'FOUR';$txt<'puzzle_5'> = 'FIVE';$txt<'puzzle_6'> = 'SIX';$txt<'puzzle_7'> = 'SEVEN';$txt<'puzzle_8'> = 'EIGHT';$txt<'puzzle_9'> = 'NINE';$txt<'puzzle_10'> = 'TEN';$txt<'puzzle_11'> = 'ELEVEN';$txt<'puzzle_12'> = 'TWELVE';$txt<'puzzle_13'> = 'THIRTEEN';$txt<'puzzle_14'> = 'FOURTEEN';$txt<'puzzle_15'> = 'FIFTEEN';$txt<'puzzle_16'> = 'SIXTEEN';$txt<'puzzle_17'> = 'SEVENTEEN';$txt<'puzzle_18'> = 'EIGHTEEN';$txt<'puzzle_19'> = 'NINETEEN';
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