<?$a= date(j); // , 1 to 31 $b = date(a); // am,$c = date(A); // AM,$d = date(B); // Swatch Internet time 000 -999$e = date(d); // , 01 to 31$f = date(D); // , sat $g = date(F); // , November $h = date(g); // , 1 through 12$hh = date(G); // , 0 through 23$i = date(h); // , 01 through 12 $j = date(H); // , 00 through 23 $k = date(i); // , 00 to 59 $l = date(I); // 0, 1 if Daylight Savings Time, 0 otherwise. $m = date(l); // , Sunday through Saturday$n = date(L); // 0, 1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise.$o = date(m); // , 01 through 12$p = date(M); // , Jan through Dec$q = date(n); // , 1 through 12$r = date(o); // Example: +0200 $s = date(r); // Example: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200$t = date(s); // 00 through 59$u = date(S); // st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j $v = date(t); // 28 through 31$w = date(T); // time zoneseting Examples: EST, MDT ...$x = date(u); // See also time()$y = date(w); // 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)$z = date(W); // Example: 42 (the 42nd week in the year)$aa = date(y); // Examples: 99 or 03$bb = date(Y); // Examples: 1999 or 2003$cc = date(z); $dd = date(Z); if(!$mon){$mon = $o ;}else{$mon = $mon ;}if(!$year){$year = $bb ;}else{$year = $year;}$firstday = mktime(0,0,0,$mon,1,$bb);$firstdays = date('w',$firstday); $lastdays = date('t',$firstday); $year_view = date('Y',$firstday); $mon_view = date('m',$firstday); echo"<script>function d_s( su , mnp){ if(mnp == 'm'){document.dat_form.mon.value = su - 1 ;}else{document.dat_form.mon.value = su + 1 ;}document.dat_form.submit();}</script><form name=dat_form action='$PHP_SELF' method=post><input type=hidden name=mon value=''><table border=1 width=140 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#999999><tr bgcolor=pink><td colspan=7 align=center><a href=\"javascript:d_s($mon,'m')\"><</a> $year_view - $mon_view <a href=\"javascript:d_s($mon,'p')\">></a></td></tr></form><tr align=center><td><font color=red>อา</a></td><td>จ</td><td> อ</td><td>พ</td><td>พฤ</td><td> ศ</td><td><font color=blue>ส</font></td></tr><tr align=right>";//// for($i = 0; $i < 7 ; $i++){if($firstdays == $i){break;}else{echo"<td width=8> </td>";}$week++; }for($i=1; $i<=$lastdays ;$i++){if($week % 7 == 0){echo"</tr><tr align=right>";}if($a == $i){ $bgcolor = "bgcolor=pink";}else{$bgcolor = '';}if($week%7==0){ echo"<td $bgcolor><font size=2 color=red>$i</font></td>";}else if($week%7==6){ echo"<td $bgcolor><font size=2 color=blue>$i</font></td>";}else{ // echo"<td $bgcolor><font size=2>$i</font></td>";}$week++;}while($week%7!=0){echo"<td> </td>";$week++;}echo"</tr></table>";?>
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